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  1. Hace 21 horas · Neil Tennant de Pet Shop Boys ha hablado de Taylor Swift en una entrevista concedida al periodista de The Guardian, Alex Petridis, realizada con motivo del lanzamiento de ‘Nonetheless’, el nuevo álbum de Pet Shop Boys, que sale a la venta hoy 26 de abril. Y su valoración sobre Taylor Swift no es precisamente positiva.… Continue reading “¿Dónde está tu...

  2. Hace 21 horas · Keep up to date with the latest news at https://www.gbnews.comJoin us today and unlock your members-only benefits: https://...

  3. Hace 21 horas · Neil Tennant of Pet Shop Boys has spoken about Taylor Swift in an interview with The Guardian journalist, Alex Petridis, conducted on the occasion of the launch of ‘Nonetheless’, the new Pet Shop Boys album, which goes on sale today 26 of April. And his assessment of Taylor Swift isn’t exactly positive. Tennant comes to… Continue reading “Where’s your ‘Billie...

  4. Hace 21 horas · Die Gesundheitsbranche ist gut positioniert, um der Megatrend der 2020er-Jahre zu werden. Grund dafür seien der demografische Rückenwind, steigende Gesundheitsausgaben, solide Erträge und bahnbrechende Innovationen, schreibt Mark Denham in seinem Essay für finews.first. Es gibt zwei logische Auslegungen: Es ist alles nur ein Hype.

  5. Hace 21 horas · Body swaps, first popularized in Western Anglophone culture by the personal identity chapter of John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, have been a common storytelling device in fiction media. Novels such as Vice Versa (1882) and Freaky Friday (1972) have inspired numerous film adaptations and retellings, as well as television series and episodes, many with titles derived from ...

  6. Hace 21 horas · Alex Shibutani United States: Ice dance Maia Shibutani United States: Ice dance Sergei Shiliaev: Shin Yea-Ji (1988) Shin Yea-Ji (1984) Maxim Shipov: Viktoria Shklover: Robert Shmalo: Michael Shmerkin: Ivan Shmuratko Ukraine: Men's singles Ukrainian Championships (2019–22) Winter Youth Olympics (Team event, 2016) Ukrainian Championships (2017 ...

  7. Hace 21 horas · Neil Clark: 1996–1997 Sue Taylor: Charlotte Bellamy: 1996–1997 Felix Kawalski: Harry Landis: 1995–1997 Ted Hills: Brian Croucher: 1995–1997 Gerry McCrae: Simon O'Gorman: 1997 Maggie Flaherty: Olivia Shanley: 1997 Sean Flaherty: Pat Laffin: 1997 Eamonn Flaherty: Maurice O'Donoghue: 1997 Brenda Flaherty: Janet Behan: 1997 Colette Flaherty ...